About me…

Me @ Dumbarton covered bridge

My name is Jonah, and ever since I was very young, I’ve always adored covered bridges. My parents used to take me ‘bridge-hunting’ every summer, where we would try to see each bridge in the province. We never actually got to see them all, (specifically we could never find the Marven bridge) but I’ve still kept my passion for them alight throughout all the years.

Why did I make a website?

I’ve always been into coding and computers, and consider myself very proficient with technology. I joined into the E.S.A.P. (Essential Skills Achievement Program) program at my school, as part of its’ first trial run in Fredericton. To graduate, I needed to create a project which would legitimately benefit my community. After months and months of thinking, I just couldn’t find anything to do. That is, until I got my driver’s license.

I did my driver’s test in Florenceville-Bristol, which some of you readers may know is where the only half-wooden-half-metal-truss-beam-thing covered bridge is located. It gave me the idea to combine all of my skills together, to create a modern website in a similar style to the ones I used to spend my time reading as a child. And so, was born.

Why are some bridges missing?

As this is a student project, I’ve got to finish it before the semester ends. This means I’ve got to drive out to get pictures of the bridges whenever I’m not busy with schoolwork, which is usually on weekends. I live in the Fredericton area, so I’m not that far from the majority of the bridges in this province. Unfortunately, there’s some up towards Edmunston which I need to plan full weekend trips for, just because of how far away they are. Luckily, I’ve got friends who like coming along with me on these road trips, but our schedules don’t always align.

Long story short: All the bridges in New Brunswick will be on here eventually, I’m just really busy!

How can I contact you?

If you want to contact me, you can do so at this nifty email here!

[email protected]